The S3 Interdisciplinary Seed Grant Program
The S3 Interdisciplinary Grant Program provides seed funds to MSU interdisciplinary collaborations working on external grant proposals. To be eligible, collaborative teams must include at least one MSU STEM faculty or health professional and at least one MSU science studies faculty (a scholar using social science or humanities approach to study science). The call for applications is due every spring semester and is assessed by the advisory board (see below) and Sean Valles, Director of S3 and Associate Professor in Lyman Briggs College and the Department of Philosophy.
Sponsors (Advisory Board Representatives)
Office of the Vice President of Research and Innovation
University Outreach and Engagement
College of Human Medicine
Lyman Briggs College (Georgina Montgomery)
James Madison College (Sharlissa Moore)
College of Communication Arts and Sciences (Casey O’Donnell)
Residential College in Arts and Humanities (Eric Aronoff)
College of Veterinary Medicine (Vilma Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan)
The Graduate School (Judith Stoddart)
College of Education (David Stroupe)
College of Social Science (Daniel Menchik)
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Brian Teppen)
College of Arts and Letters (Dawn Opel)
College of Music (Mark Sullivan)
If you would like more information about the S3 Collaborative Grant Program contact Sean Valles, S3 Director: valles@msu.edu